Things Fall Apart
My highschool lit. teacher would be so proud that I remember that book, or not. Well for those of you that know my decision making process, this isnt too hard to envision, but for those who don´t let me explain. I am somewhat incapable of making decisions ... the bigger ones. What to eat, I can handle. Anything larger than that and my brain gets too confused with too many options. (Have you read the book Paradox of Choice ... interesting read) Coming down here with no plan, I landed in Bs.As. and only had to find a hostel and find a school. Easy. However as the weeks progressed (and the weather got hotter and sweatier) I realized that soon I should leave BsAs and needed to at least start thinking about it. The Southern Argentina is nice this time of year, but really crowded as everyone who can leaves the heat of the city and heads to cooler climates. Uruguay was an option as well, but still hot and couldn´t find accomodation for New Years Eve. Bolivia has a cool climate because of its altitude, but its the rainy season there (Jan/Feb). So I have annoyed many a people in the past couple weeks trying to figure out what to do to escape the South American heat. Well, I have ended up buying a ticket to the Bahamas to meet my Cousin and Joelle for New Years and a bit of a sail. I have a return ticket to Bs.As on February 14 so I have about 6 weeks in the Caribbean. Complete departure from original idea but that is the point of making it up as you go along I guess. Though its nice to do that ... the cost and stress involved was a little much. I decided I don´t like plane tickets too much. It should be more like train stations where you just show up and hop on. So I think I am giving up the idea of a round the world trip for now. I realized that not having plane tickets really stressed me out and not having a general plan really stressed me out. Since you have to buy a plane ticket at least a month in advance so you don´t pay an exorborant amount of money that means that you need to decide where you want to go, how long you think it will take, where you think you will end up. A little intimidating when your actual flight date is creeping up on you. So I have spoken with other people about their flights and the Oneworld Alliance around the world ticket requires that you book your cities and dates when you book, but you can change your dates for free and its 125 to change your city. So I have realized that I want to do some planning for that trip but that requires me to come home (a tempting idea with all the snow that is falling in the mountains!). I am not ready to come home (well for more than maybe a 2 week ski trip) and spend time planning so I will continue only with South American which is completely doable by bus. I will rondevous with a travel guide (oh yea and my cousin) in the bahamas that covers South America so I can plan a bit for that trip. But I am estimting now a month in Patagonia, couple weeks in Chile (perhaps more in the north), a month in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. I have made some friends who have been or are from Columbia and have heard some great things about Bogota ... but not too sure, its a bit sketchy. So thats my new plan ... but I usually have a new plan every day ... but at least this plan includes tickets.
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