Friday, December 15, 2006

Quick Week

This was week 3 of my 4 week spanish attempt. I think the class peaked on Tuesday, but by Friday there was a complete information overload. There were only 5 of us this week and ironically a new girl ... from Seattle. Also ran into another Seattlite in another classroom. The school is only about 50 students ... crazy no? I spent a lot of time this week going out with people from school. A social coordinator of sorts got the whole school together and organized meeting points ... pretty fun to see what everyone is doing. There is one girl from Sweden who is taking a break from school, spent 6 months in China taking language classes and now is spending 3 months here. Pretty crazy but probably a good idea.
The weather got hotter and hotter this week ... up in the mid 30´s by the end of the week. Thats in the low 90´s for all the non-Newfies out there. The humidity was pretty insane as well. After class I went to a movie with some school mates just to sit in a cool place for a while. It was The Prestige. I had never heard of it and I don´t know if its realitively new or not. It was interesting though.
Hung out with the family mates a lot this week, though the Ruso-German guy keeps to himself. We have started refering to him as our best friend. We must have just gotten into a fight though. Haven´t done too much sightseeing this week ... though most of that is because I have been hiding from the heat.
My class is droping like flies and only two of us are continuing. The other guy is Paul, who I have been in class with since the first day and for some reason I haven´t told you about him. He is a middle aged guy from Nice and a total typical frenchman. The poor guy has been the butt of the classes jokes, but ever since the first week when he brought up that he has seen UFO (OVNI in espanol) we have kind of prodded him. He is pretty into crystals and telling the future and stuff like that. Apparently there is a city here, Capilla del Monte (central North Argentina) in which they for some reason believe that aliens live underneath a mountain there. I haven´t quite figured out what the whole story is. Anyway, hoping we get another student, but if not I am sure I will have some good stories to pass along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damit right bitch. Metric Baby. Which I now no longer know!!

Sounds like the French guys is cool as fock.

Anyhow buddy just finally getting too your blog in I don't know how long.



10:04 PM  

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